Monday, March 17, 2008

Can I Do It Again?

Continental Club SignIn the event you're not tired of reading about SXSW yet...

Once you resign yourself to the idea that you're going to miss 99.9% of what you want to see, SXSW is a no-holds-barred great time. The whole conference has that feeling at times of a house party with everyone you've ever met. Hung out with lots of people, panels were interesting for the most part, I left with posters courtesy of Flatstock, the music was everything you want in a music festival (as long as you ponied up for a badge) and the whole shebang ran on schedule.

Bizarre sights: the blogger cage (scroll down for photo) and international speed dating.

Sadly wasn't invited to this party.

Here's the quick wrap-up on the artists (i.e. at least two songs) I caught:

  • Centro-matic

  • My Morning Jacket
  • DevotchKa

  • Waco Brothers
  • Wiley and The Checkmates
  • Herman Hitson
  • Andrew Collberg
  • Deadman
  • Jimmie Vaughan
  • Headlight - misheard later that night as "headlice"
  • Abra Moore
  • N.E.R.D. Watch video

  • Rhapsody's Tim Quirk wandered SXSW collecting drunk-dialing stories from musicians. He managed to get installments from The Hold Steady's Franz Nicolay, The Mekons'/Waco Brothers' Jon Langford, Gang of Four's Dave Allen and more. Don't laugh, you know you've done it, too.

    Even if I'd know that Bob Mould was in town on Saturday, I think I needed the silence by then. Still, would've been cool to hear Copper Blue live.

    Spunky hopefuls, huh? Pun was completely intentional.

    Oh, please.


    Shane Taylor said...

    Uber-nerd that I am, more of my hours have gone to reading about the Federal Reserve's Term Securities Lending Facility (and, yes, the liquidation of Bear Sterns) than SXSW. So, Liquid Sunshine, you are my own stop summary of all things SXSW.

    Casey said...

    You summed up the experience in all its delirium and brevity.